28.06.2023 - Antonis Rouvelas is the ARTface of the week for the state of Styria: https://www.kultur.steiermark.at/cms/ziel/166298053/DE/?fbclid=IwAR17EptiomiCX1qe5lSirVRoAt5ZYGTreMhLa9xSzzemHCP3fLt8Um3JXYo 28.06.2022 - Selected for the scholarship Startstipendium (BMKÖS, Austria). ​ 19.01.2022 - Commission for a new work for Klangforum Wien to be performed in the series "Junge Stücke" of Open Music in 2023. 23.12.2021 - Member of the s'Kollektiv team: www.skollektiv.at ​25.11.2021 - Commission for a new work for the Between Feathers Ensemble 17.11.2021 - Presentation of my work series "Viomata" in the event "Elemente östlicher Musik in zeitgenössischer Musik" organized by Echos - Verein für östlich orientierte Musik. ​05.10.2021 - Member of the aXe team: https://axe-graz.at/team/ ​24.06.2021 - Selected for the scholarship Arbeitsstipendium (BMKÖS, Austria). 22.01.2021 - Commission for a new work for mezzo soprano, flute and recorder (Kaludia Tandl, airborne extended ensemble) for the project "Atem" by KULTUM Graz. 07.01.2021 - Commission for a new work for solo alto voice for Helena Sorokina's project "Shades of solitude". 01.01.2021 - Commission for the music for the next theater production Lebensbeschreibung from aXe Graz. ​06.10.2020 - Selected as active participant in the OutHEAR new music week 2020. A new work for solo viola for Dimitrios Polisoidis (Klangforum Wien) is commissioned to be performed there. 30.08.2020 - My work Lament for Theodore, for alto flute has been selected in the call for recordings of Phasma Music Label. 02.07.2020 - The work Ex-Haiku, for solo flute has been selected in the call for scores of Angus Lee for a video release. 01.06.2020 - Commission for composing tracks and taking over the musical supervision of the theater performance "Abschalten. Hoffnung. Für was stehst du auf?" by the aXe Graz. ​ 21.01.2020 - Commission for a new work for e.organ by the organist Aleksey Vylekzhanin. ​13.12.2019 - The work Viomata II, for solo recorder was selected in the call for works for recorder(s) of MicroFest Prague 2020. Link ​06.06.2019 - The saxophonist Matej Bunderla requested a new version for solo soprano saxophone of my work Viomata I. The premiere of the work will take place in Eursax 2020 in Italy. ​05.02.2019 - Radio Broadcast in ORF of the concert "im Zeitfluss" where i participated with my work "An intrusion apart". More info here. ​30.03.2018 - Antonis Rouvelas and Yasaman Hasani were selected to participate in the "Off-Borders festival of electroacoustic music, video & performing arts" with the work Tension-Attraction, for duo flute and video. Link ​21.02.2018 - Commission of the project Metanaklasi for music and video projection by the Association NOW! Oper der Gegenwart. ​23.06.2017 - Commission of the work An intrusion apart, for ensemble by the composer's union "die Andere Saite" and the Zeitfluss ensemble. 07.06.2017 - Antonis Rouvelas will be an active participant in Composer Collider Europe Project - CCE 2017-2020, with ensemble Musikfabrik. ​17.10.2016 - Antonis Rouvelas became a member of the Graz composer's union ''die Andere Saite''. ​02.09.2016 - The work Viomata II, for solo recorder was selected to be perfomed by the participants of the ERPS' recorder competition - Biennale Festival Graz 2016 ''The recorder in Austria in the 20th and 21st century''. ​02.10.2015 - Commission of the work Heptagon, for youth ensemble by Yioula Michail and the Concervatory of Petroupolis. 06.06.2015 - Commission of the work Subabilities, for piano 4-hands (Organization Music is Network). 19.11.2014 - Commission of the work Viomata I, for solo oboe by the oboist Barbara Gatschelhofer. 14.04.2014 - A cd under the title ''6,18,5,1,11,16,19,25,3,8'' is released on Bandcamp by the label ''Institute For Alien Research(AFAR)'' and concludes my work Peristatiko 5663a elifthi II (2010) for improvising ensemble and tape (See here) 23.09.2013 - The miniature M/I/1, for ensemble was selected for the Collaborative Miniature Project of DissonArt ensemble. (48th Dimitria Festival, Thessaloniki, Greece). 20.08.2013 - Commission of the work Autopsy-Syntax-Mechanism, for orchestra by the Athens State Orchestra. (Young Creators and Recreators Circle). 20.08.2013 - Commission of the work Tension-Attraction, for two flutes by the duo of Zacharias Tarpagkos and Ana Chifu. ​02.03.2013 - Commission for the music of the theatre performance Kantan (Yukio Mishima) by the Α4Μ Performing Arts Group. 27.09.2012 - Commission of the work Essenzza II, for ensemble by the Workshop Series ''New Greek Composers nowadays'' (Athens). 27.09.2012 - Antonis Rouvelas was accepted in the Master's Program at the University for Music and Performing Arts of Graz, studying composition with Beat Furrer. 23.09.2012 - Commission of the work Peristatiko 5663a elifthi III, for male voice and recorder by the Swiss Contemporary Music Duo UMS n' JIP. ​ 30.05.2012 - Antonis Rouvelas wins the 2nd prize in 5th Panhellenic Composition Competition in memory of Dimitris Dragatakis with the work Semimpulsive spasm, for ensemble (2012). 06.04.2012 - Antonis Rouvelas is one of the selected active composers at Pierluigi Billone's Masterclass. (Venecia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia) 28.07.2011 - The BabelScores Reading Pannel 2011 included Antonis Rouvelas in the BabelScores® Catalogue. http://www.babelscores.com/antonisrouvelas 07.04.2011 - Antonis Rouvelas is one of the selected composers for a scholarship at the Composition Workshop with Beat Furrer and dissonArt ensemble (Music Village 2011).
© 2013-23 by Antonis Rouvelas.